COVER REVEAL: Back Issues, by Dani Hermit & Nevi Star

Dani Hermit & Nevi Star have a new dark MM sci fi-paranormal romance out, book one of Burn Outs: “Back Issues.” From the Best-selling Authors of the Parliament of Twilight Continue Reading →

ANNOUNCEMENT: Hurricane Dreams, by Julia McBryant

Julia McBryant has a new MM contemporary book out: “Hurricane Dreams.” Audie Currell, the only son of one of the richest families in Charleston, runs off from his parent’s wine Continue Reading →

ANNOUNCEMENT/GIVEAWAY: I’ve Got You, by Becca Seymour

Becca Seymour has a new mm/bi romance out: I’ve Got You. When a single dad and a newly outed veterinarian meet by chance, it takes red-cheeked conversations, a tentative friendship, Continue Reading →

ANNOUNCEMENT/GIVEAWAY: Slow Thaw, by J. Scott Coatsworth

J. Scott Coatsworth has a new MM trans/cisgender holiday romance book out: Slow Thaw. Javier Fernandez is a climate scientist living in a research station near the South Pole. Since Continue Reading →